breathe deeply
watching my breath
feeling my body
here is the angel of darkness
the shadow of time
hunted by lightning
through jungle undergrowth
no place to hide
owning the pain and guilt
owning despair
around the room
convulsive laughter
merging to sobs
pounding of legs and arms
breathing into the pain
breathing a balloon
expanding beyond earth
the solar system
the edge of the exploding
a cosmic lung
part of something pushed
in a canal
starchild floating
realm of
with light
hallucinatory sleep
time to return
glide down the long
long flight-path to earth
from death
murky diffuse
embracing without shame
hands in a circle
joined by love
some speak their journeys
others remain silent
chanting of OM
shantih, shantih, shantih
* This poem is based on the experience of Integrated Breathing (sometimes called Organic Breathing, Holotropic Breathing or Rebirthing). Sustained deep breathing manifests in altered psychic states and various expressions of unresolved emotions.