not in your speed-up time when everything must be done and won in
passionate seconds now now now and whatever beckons to go next always
frustrated and vexed on the verge of breakdown meltdown crash and smash
but normal time...
where you're not obsessed
with missing
your prime
and don't feel pressed
can let months go and flow
rhythm of roof-rain
swings, hammocks
melting snow
and other
ordinary things
rust filigrees
frozen statuary
scarves of graffiti
trace a garden wall
we are surviving
but the clock is running
sleeping and sunning
we fear it will run out
before arriving
For Ionesco
as I speak to you
hair sprouting from scalp
beard, armpits, groin
fingernails lengthening
skin flaking like snow
I am a flowering grotesque
a mere cartoon
a mass of cells
warring, propagating, dying
so I can stand here quoting Nietzsche
who was crazy
even for a human being
Lost Destiny
I could play winged Mercury
Apollo, Jove
fight regiments, scale
stormy battlements, seduce
the coldest beauty
in the tallest tower
save for the imp that follows
taunting me
my nearest demon, my abiding fear
that I will forget my lines
I buy a ticket
with prizes at outlandish sums
knowing that mathematicians
know nothing's truly random
in an indeterminate universe
outside Plato's Las Vegas
and if Providence rolls the dice
a dollar's still worth a dream
Gargoyle Song
I am a gargoyle
I gargle
with motor oyle
I glare from the roof
I'm missing a toof.
I'm not very social
I don't get emotion'l
but it would be cheerful
to give you an earful
so come be a star-goil
and kiss an old gargoyle
Why We Failed
we tried to climb Everest
no tent, ice-ax, or sleeping bags
in tennis shoes
struggled half-way up
before one slipped
spun into yawning blue
(or maybe just let go)
I don't know who